i absolutely love this
i love this blog so much, it has inspired today's entry...
little letters, by elle.
dear september,
i hope you will be good to me. i will be experiencing a lot of firsts; my first time being away from home for such a long time, my first birthday without family and friends, my first time actually LIVING in a foreign country, my first time having to rely solely on my own two feet for transportation (whether i like it or not). i am scared, but i am also hopeful.
dear red nail polish,
why do you suck at not chipping every two days? stop it.
dear school financial aid office,
you guys pretty much suck. thanks for making the whole visa application AMAZINGnot.
dear mei,
i wish you spent more time with me, knowing i will be away for so long. but it's okay, i understand how life is from a sixteen-year-old's perspective. i hope you get into an awesome school next year (but try not to make me look bad in the process, if you can. thanks :) ).
dear j.,
i wonder how you're doing these days. but then again, i dont think i want to know.
dear c.,
i dont want to talk to you any more, yet i dont want to lose you. what do you want from me? please clarify, we're running out of time...
dear fit,
you're the most amazing car a girl could ask for. thanks for saving me from death those ten thousand times i almost died. i will wash you soon, i promise.
dear urth caffe green tea latte,
will you come to my house now, please? i love you. a lot.
dear mom&dad,
after the drive up today from san diego, i realized how blessed i was to have such great parents. i dont think i will ever know such caring and amazing people in my life.
dear istanbul,
i just told my parents about you and how i will be visiting you this fall. try not to let anything keep me from you, please, or i will just die.
dear u.o. hat,
i absolutely positively adore you. thanks for not flying away at the beach the other day. i would have been devastated.