Monday, March 26, 2012

I really do believe relationships that you have with people are what make life really worth while.

I mean, I am a huge advocate of having time to yourself, doing things alone, and being independent, but it took me a very long time to realize just how precious and beautiful it is by being surrounded with love; I guess you can say I've really taken them for granted. It's about being actively involved in each others' lives, whether it's picking up the midnight phone call to console your sister (even if you were dead asleep), ordering your bestie their favorite drink without them knowing, a surprise massage for your lovey, letting your mom relax with her iPad while you do the chores...

It's really these little signs of affection are what make life so much more real; I mean, while I was traveling, I was left pretty much on my own, to fend for myself, to attempt to break cultural boundaries to be able to understand people, just conversationally, and then maybe through that I'd finally be able to establish some kind of friendship. Yet, I've realized that while these relationships can be totally fun and awesome, it's undoubtedly the relationship that you have with the people that you spend your most mundane and boring part of life with that seem to make the greatest impact. It's because you share more than just a fleeting moment in time; you spend days and nights together and grow to understand one another on a whole other level. It's intimate, it's loving, it's definitely a growing relationship, and honestly it's that feeling of belonging, a sort of bond and unspoken understanding, that develops unlike any other relationship. It can be with your parents, your siblings, your best friends, your roommates, your significant others, your pets even! It's really a very powerful bond that forms between people (or pets).

So, while the Eiffel Tower is indeed a magnificent sight to admire, in my opinion it's nothing more than a standing piece of metal if I can't have my loved ones with me sitting on the grass with a few baguettes, an open bottle of wine, grapes and some stinky cheese. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

...Despite my tantrums, my bitching, my brat-like tendencies, 
he still sticks around. 

I am truly blessed. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Love Vimeo. Love this video. 

It's like one of those days where you just gotta throw stuff. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

let's all tumbletumbletumbletumblr.

probably the last blogger on earth to jump on this, 
but honestly it's only because it took me a while to get the hang of it. 
and now it's sad to say I'm pretty much addicted. 

It's my inspiration board, 
from fashion, food, photography... 

all that jazzy jazz.  

image source unknown. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

bits from my Instagram... (sigh) is it summer yet?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Having a mini classic throw back day today. 
This is probably one of my favorites. 
Really, you can't deny that it's probably one of the most amazing songs ever

For "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"soundtrack, I think Karen O. did it again, and this time with Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. It's so edgy and raw, and yet I feel that it still somewhat retains the feel of the original by Led Zeppelin. But what really enhances the cover, for me, has definitely got to be Karen O.'s voice. Paired with the other elements of the song, it just enhances the darkness of it all a little bit more than compared to the original. But, nonetheless, I still love this song, the original and the cover.