Tuesday, March 31, 2009

let's have some fun 
this beat is sick 
i wanna take a ride on your disco stick 
let's play a lovegame play a lovegame 
do you want love or you want fame
are you in the game
doin the lovegame

newly obsessed with monica's lady gaga cd
never imagined i would go that way musically but whatever 
i like what i like 
speaking of new things, 
new default photo due to my recent purchase: lipstick
i never wear lipstick, occasionally the gloss or the chapstick kinds will happen 
but never lipstick. 
and especially in THIS color. 
its the brightest effin red you can conceive. 
and frankly, ive become quite smitten with it. 
i wish i could wear it every. single. day
i actually bought it for my history society's formal dinner this thursday;
it's fifties themed, and us history nerds just love any excuse to dress up as someone from the past. 
i chose to be a greaser
but if that fails, im going for the beatniks look ala Audrey Hepburn
cant wait <3

ps sorry for the lack of photos other than myself hahah. my camera's been on hibernation mode, but no worries, i dont intend to let it continue such habits for long. ive just been overwhelmed lately with the last half of the semester, so things have been a little crazy post spring break. in the words of monica, "SARS!"(short for sorry, in case you didnt catch that)


Sunday, March 29, 2009

made some new friends this week. 
& i absolutely adore this photo. :) 
happy sunday, e'rrbody!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

jumping for joy!? 
well life's been good to me. 
been busy doing things here and there 
gathering myself together... figuring my self out... 
oh, and ps. 
im basically obsessed with blogs in general now. 
they've taken over my life
well, almost. 
and i think my eyesight has d e t e r i o r a t e d as a result 
of the countless hours i spend in front of my computer, 
not counting blogging,
 but also homework. 
ew. homework. 
but hooray for blindness!!???!?! 
argh. fml


Sunday, March 22, 2009

blogger is so adorable and sweet. 
she makes me wish i lived in nyc, too.

you spin me right round baby right round...

chaos! confusion! calamity
stress stress stress. 
homework boys class boys mom boys essay boys sister boys sorority boys dad boys roommate boys suitemates boys boys boys boys!... 
okay maybe its wishful thinking to say its boys, but definitely A boy. 
a ridiculous, charming, adorable, and UNCLEAR boy. 
eff. as if life werent stressful enough with school and family and living situations... 
and yet despite everything else, it's the BOY that seems to give me the most frustrations. 
alas, one ray of sunshine in this storm: i think i may have finally discovered my inner peace. 
my very well-hidden self happiness
something that i had lost a very long time ago. 
and im very gladly to report that i have fully embraced it. 

and about effin time! 

Monday, March 16, 2009

so, last week. spring break. at one of the craziest campuses i think i have ever set foot on. 
beached. tanned. everything you could imagine. almost. 
but i think it was when i came back and spent time with my family that i think... 
...i think, 
i was truly happy
there was a sense of nostalgia despite having to be stuck in the car with these three people that ive known the longest my entire life. there was a sense of comfort, a sense of security that i just hadn't felt in ages and ages. and that little campus on the beach in florida just didn't feel the same. sure i get to be a crazy college kid, do whatever i want, whenever i want. it was really liberating, amazing, and wonderful. but it's not home. 
i can only imagine how, if i get in, England will be like... i'm actually a little afraid, to be honest with you. i've never been apart from my family for longer than three weeks. separation anxiety? eff. i hope not.