chaos! confusion! calamity!
stress stress stress.
homework boys class boys mom boys essay boys sister boys sorority boys dad boys roommate boys suitemates boys boys boys boys!...
okay maybe its wishful thinking to say its boys, but definitely A boy.
a ridiculous, charming, adorable, and UNCLEAR boy.
eff. as if life werent stressful enough with school and family and living situations...
and yet despite everything else, it's the BOY that seems to give me the most frustrations.
alas, one ray of sunshine in this storm: i think i may have finally discovered my inner peace.
my very well-hidden self happiness.
something that i had lost a very long time ago.
and im very gladly to report that i have fully embraced it.
and about effin time!
uhhhhhhhhh ruuuuuuuuuuu!!!