Tuesday, April 7, 2009

new favorite book of all time. 
finished it in like, a day. 
well, it reads like a comic.
haha, im no master reader, 
although sometimes i wish i were 
just to make the whole school thing a lot easier. 
this, my friends, is my new inspiration. 
inspiration for a whole new project. 
time of completion: sometime this summer. 
and then a part two edition, set in england for the fall. 
so excitedddd 
...ohhhh if only this month could just finish 
and i would be half way across the world 
taking pictures 
eating exotic foods 
seeing new sights 
and just plain being away from all this calamity... 

because apparently im just a dillusional sophomore. 
as dilusional as a fifteen year old sister 
and well, 
quite frankly i dont wish to be around people who treat me as such 
overrr it


1 comment:

  1. sounds adventurous!

    i hope you know you will have to engage on sketchy deals, such as meeting people on dark street corners for lap tops or picking palm tree trunks in the ghetto, to be the ultimate adventurer!

    You might even have to have lunch with random guys on skate boards!

    May I borrow the book?
    (Took me forever to figure out it said MILK)
